Passionate Oklahoma

Friday, October 22, 2004

OK Dems Make Coburn Sick!

OK Dems Make Coburn Sick!

The Oklahoma Democratic Party has a JibJab style ad on their website making fun of Tom Coburn. It might be funny if Democrats had a funny bone, but of course they don't. Check out this ad and let me know what you think.

Who are you going to vote for Brad Carson or Tom Coburn?
|| Wild BillWild Bill, 4:42 PM


I don't care for that style of satire. I will be voting for Carson anyway. Coburn's statements about good vs. evil and Indians are enough to turn me comepletely off.

What on earth could Coburn be thinking to make that statement about treaties? That's a loser from any possible point of view.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:08 PM  
And let me guess you are voting for Kerry also!
Blogger Wild Bill, at 4:21 PM  
Bush told us he had evidence of Hussein building nukes. I gave Bushm some credit, thinking he would later present the intelligence to back it up later. He clearly never had it. Game over.

There is much more, but that is sufficient.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:38 PM  
AMAZING isn't it Bill, that so many of the "champions of the left" forget to sign in/create an id, or at least leave a first name. Guess their too busy trying to "protect" the country from the "eeeeeevil republicans".
Blogger Smoke Eater, at 8:10 PM  
Or themselves.

But I'm sure you're not trying to change the subject...
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:23 PM  
What subject is being changed? The fact that your attention span cannot be maintained for longer than the headline of an article. Read the Dulfer Report, Iraq was working on nuclear weapons. The UN put out a report about a week or two ago that said nuclear material, components, and equipment to build nuclear weapons has gone missing from Iraq. Exactly what was Bush lying about? The fact that the news media does not cover the story does not mean it did not happen.
Blogger Wild Bill, at 11:18 PM  
I refer you to the actual Duelfer report at

From the key findings section, here are some excerpts:

"The Regime quickly came
to see that OFF could be corrupted to acquire foreign exchange both to further undermine sanctions and to
provide the means to enhance dual-use infrastructure and potential WMD-related development."

"Saddam wanted to recreate Iraq’s WMD capability—which was essentially destroyed in 1991—after sanctions
were removed and Iraq’s economy stabilized, but probably with a different mix of capabilities to that
which previously existed."

And most tellingly,

"The former Regime had no formal written strategy or plan for the revival of WMD after sanctions. Neither
was there an identifiable group of WMD policy makers or planners separate from Saddam. Instead, his lieutenants
understood WMD revival was his goal from their long association with Saddam and his infrequent,
but firm, verbal comments and directions to them."

Now, Hussein certainly was a POTENTIAL danger, but not a current one; the gist of each quote is that he did NOT have the WMD. But we still had options for containing him. Agreed, he might like to have them. But so might many other countries, and more immediately dangerous to us are N. Korea and Iran, which are both further along the nuclear road than Iraq.

But we can do little with them now that W committed our military power to Iraq. Very bad move for our security, not to mention the outright lying about the premises for getting involved.

Not to mention the lack of planning and understanding of the aftermath, which has been bungled miserably. Al Qaeda (remember them, the group that actually attacked us?) could not ask for a better recruiting tool.

We slacked off the hunt for bin Laden to pursue the misbegotten foray into Iraq. What are our leaders using for brains? Don't know, but it's not working, AND they have been caught in major lies.

Game over, we need credible and more intelligent leadership. Anybody but Bush, and Kerry will do just fine.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:11 AM  
Hey, I sent a long response and your blog passionately ate it! Does this blog not like HTML tags?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:44 AM  
Ah, there it is.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:49 AM  
Here is an endorsement from an editor of The American Conservative magazine, headed up by Pat Buchanon:

"Bush has behaved like a caricature of what a right-wing president is supposed to be, and his continuation in office will discredit any sort of conservatism for generations. The launching of an invasion against a country that posed no threat to the U.S., the doling out of war profits and concessions to politically favored corporations, the financing of the war by ballooning the deficit to be passed on to the nation’s children, the ceaseless drive to cut taxes for those outside the middle class and working poor: it is as if Bush sought to resurrect every false 1960s-era left-wing cliché about predatory imperialism and turn it into administration policy. Add to this his nation-breaking immigration proposal -- Bush has laid out a mad scheme to import immigrants to fill any job where the wage is so low that an American can’t be found to do it -- and you have a presidency that combines imperialist Right and open-borders Left in a uniquely noxious cocktail."
Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:52 PM  

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