Passionate Oklahoma

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Liberal Hate from the past.

Liberals thought this was funny when Bush was considering Former Governor Frank Keating for the Vice presidential spot in 2000. I wonder how many Oklahomans find this humorous?

Below is another example of what how liberals really feel about black people. This is what they think about former Congressman J.C. Watts when he spoke at the 200 RNC convention.

This Just In...

GOP to showcase lone negro at convention!

Proving that there are blacks in the GOP, they once again are giving Uncle OJ Watts a top spot at their hate convention in Philladelphia this month.

Uncle OJ is proof that a black person can go far in the GOP. Why, every time there's a camera around, Uncle OJ gets pushed to the front of the line to show America the GOP isn't as racist as they seem.

Good for you, OJ!

Why, if you weren't willing to shill for the harsh polities of the GOP, they'd have to find a different negro to sell out his people for money and power.

We're proud of you, OJ!
Oklahoma is proud of you,
the KKK is proud of you,
and the CCC is proud of you.

You're a credit to the white race.

And liberals call Republicans racists? (found this here, you must scroll half way down the page to find it.)
|| Wild BillWild Bill, 11:27 AM


I'm a liberal and I don't find it funny.

That still doesn't make the GOP a smart place for African Americans to be. It isn't. Nor is it a sensible place for women or gays.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:22 PM  
Though distastefully expressed in your quote, it is true that Watts was used by the GOP to attempt to show they were friendly to minorities. Watts himself was dissatisfied at not being allowed to take any leadership role. Why do suppose it is that blacks avoid the GOP? Are they simply misinformed?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:46 PM  
They are not misiformed, they just listen to the wrong information. You can lead a person to the truth, but you can't make him belive it.
Blogger Wild Bill, at 11:22 PM  
At Strom Thurmond's birthday party, Republican Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott yelled to the cheering crowd:

"We're proud of it," referring to Mississippi's support of Thurmond in 1948. "And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years, either."

I wonder what problems a Thurman presidency would have prevented?

Recall that Thurmond ran as a Dixiecrat, whose pamphlets stated that if Harry Truman’s "so-called civil rights platform" was voted in, "anti-lynching and anti–segregation proposals will become the law of the land and our Southern way of life will be gone forever."

How would that make you feel if you were a black man?

J.C. Watts' father probably spoke for most blacks when he said, "A black man voting for the Republicans makes about as much sense as a chicken voting for Col. Sanders."

That probably won't soon change.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:29 AM  

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